Thursday, October 3, 2024 ..:: Scholarships::..   Login
 John & Alice Travitz Scholarship Minimize

Alice Travitz established the Travitz Scholarship after her husband's death in the 1970's. Mr. and Mrs. Travitz were both committed to education at Williams Valley, he served as a member of the school board and she was employed as a teacher for many years.  At that time, four $150 scholarships were awarded by WVEA. In recent years the Association increased the amount to $250 and changed the name of the scholarship to include Alices' name as well.

Recipients are presented with a certificate on Class Night and scholarship checks are mailed to the institution of higher education by the WVEA treasurer to be credited to the student's account. The institution chosen by the student will be notified that if the student leaves the institution, any unsued scholarship money will revert to WVEA.

Scholarship Selection Committee

The scholarship selection committee is comprised of the following members:                                      

  3 WVEA memebers, 1 school board member, and 1 administrator.

Application requirements for the scholarship                                                                              

 1  Any Williams Valley student seeking a post-secondary education is eligible.                                   

2  Students may apply for the scholarship no later that March 31 of their senior year.

Criteria for the selection of thr recipients

The Selection Committee will receive a packet containing applications for the scholarship. Each Committee member should privately review and rank applications, then return them to the high school administrative assistant with their recommendations as soon as possible. The administrative assistant will notify the WVEA president as to the Committee's  recommendations of the recipients.

Criteria for the Scholarship recipients

The Selection Committee should make their recommendations to the Association for awarding the scholarships on the following criteria:

   *Academic Performance


   *Extra-Curricular Activities


   *Financial Need

Awarding of the Scholarships

The Association President will prepare certificates for presentation on Class Night, as well as congratulatory letters from WVEA.  The reipients will also receive instructions as to proper notification of higher learning institute to access scholarship money.  The President will notify the Assocation Treasurer and Association members as to the names of the current John and Alice Travitz Scholarship recipients prior to Class Night.

 John Kehres Vocal & Instrumental Music Awards Minimize

   John Kehres was employed in the Williams Valley school district for many years as a music teacher. Throughout different times in his career he held the postion of band director at both elementary and high school levels and as the high school general music teacher /chorus director. He was the elementary chorus / general music teacher in 1981 when he suddenly passed away.  In memory of Mr.Kehres, WVEA established insturmental and vocal music awards on both the elementary and secondary levels. Recipients for these four awards are selected from band and chorus members that show outstanding talent and dedication to those organizations. Winners are chosen from students that are recommended by the directors of each band or chous. The awards were $50.00 savings bonds, first given out in 1982. In 2005, the high school awards were changed to $50.00 cash.

 Cynthia Schaffer English / Spanish Award Minimize
The Cynthia Schaffer English / Spanish Scholarship is awarded to the student with the highest grade point average in Spanish III .  If there are no Spanish III students that year, a recipient is chosen from grades earned in both Spanish II and English class.

 George Kriz Theater Arts Award Minimize

 George Kriz was an not only an English teacher at the high school for many years but also directed many of the high school musicals during the 1970s and 80s. Upon his death, the association established the George Kriz Theater Arts Scholorship in rememberance of his years of dedication to the school musical program.

Recipients are chosen according to:

1)  The number of years involved in the musical program

2)  How they have contributed to the musical, whether as a performer or crew person

 3)  How their involvement has helped to improve the program

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